tenWare Software

tenBrultechServer Client Programs

Because tenBrultechServer broadcasts each ECM/GEM record across the network in CSV format, it is fairly easy to write client programs that process the broadcast data.  The record format is detailed here

Several client programs that use the data from tenBrultechServer are available free of charge.  These programs are:

  tenBrultechClient          Used to validate UDP transmissions (see below) 

  tenBrultechDbClient     Writes hourly data to an SqLite database 

  tenBtRealtimeCharts     Displays a realtime chart of selected energy channels

  tenBrultechDbReports  Creates usage and cost reports from the database 



The data flow among these programs is depicted below:

Flow Chart




tenBrultechClient is a simple program that receives the broadcast packets and displays them in a grid in order to verify the proper configuration and operation of tenBrultechServer.  The sample below shows the data received for ECM 1 (Virtual Channels 1-7) and ECM 2 (Virtual Channels 21-27), and GEM 4 (Virtual Channels 41-100) from the configuration sampleA packet has just been received from ECM 2.


Use the Options button to specify which UDP port to use to listen for broadcasts from tenBrultechServer. The grid will be continually updated as packets are received, displaying the watts for each virtual channel.


 tenBrultechClient Version 37.12  12/3/2012

Bug:  Installer incorrectly referenced tenBtRealtimeChart UpgradeCode. Please manually remove (control panel) any previous versions before installing this.

 tenBrultechClient Version 37.10  12/3/2012

New installer.  Please manually remove (control panel) any previous versions before installing this.

Changed form sizes, and made scrollable

 tenBrultechClient Version 37.7  11/29/2012

Bug: Installer failed on 32 bit systems

Changed Start Menu folder to tenBrultechServer instead of creating folder for tenBrultechClient

 tenBrultechClient Version 37.4  11/24/2012

First  released with the Alpha release of tenBrultechServer version 37.3